This alternate, future version of the League serve as the antagonists of the series, with various members exhibiting various degrees of culpability for the negative state of the Superman-less world. The most obvious change between this ineffective, conservative League and the "real" Justice League of 1999 was visual. Artist Williams gave the team new costumes that were personalized versions of the same basic black costume, with chest-icons and colored stripes terminating in arrows.
"Costume" perhaps isn't the best word though. I suppose "uniform" is more fitting, as this League is a team on which the various members wear clothing that resembles that of the others. Not unlike a sports team, only instead of the names on the back of the jerseys differing, they retain their icons and most iconic costume elements (Batman keeps his cape, Wonder Woman her bracelets, etc.)
This wasn't the first time a super-team was outfitted with a sports-team like uniform. Certainly the X-Men have gone through several iterations where the characters wore matching costumes, certainly in their first appearance and the First Class era. The cartoon series X-Men: Evolution similarly gave the X-people matching but individualized costumes. During the second half or so of 1993-1996 series Justice League Task Force, Martian Manhunter J'onn J'onnz outfitted his team of trainees with matching uniforms. I believe The Avengers went through a period where they wore matching jackets too.
Because of my interest in superhero costume design, I actually really like the idea of a team with matching costumes, if only to see what artist might come up with to unify disparate costumes worn by different characters created by many different artists over the years, although it's often difficult to imagine an in-story reason why a team of individuals like, say, The Avengers or Justice League might actually don them.
A one-off Elseworlds book like this is a neat opportunity to costume the Justice League in matching outfits, as it helps differentiate them from the real, regular version of the characters, and the change need not stick around very long.
Here's what Williams came up with:

This League's Aquaman is a much greater departure than either its Flash or Green Lantern:

Also worth noting is his hand. This Aquaman has a futuristic-looking prosthetic, like the kind he adopted a few years after he took to wearing a harpoon on his hand, but Williams has it on his right hand; Aquaman lost his left one.
J'onn J'onnz had one of the more dramatic redesigns.

The most dramatic redesign is Batman's:

Interestingly, his secret identity is still secret at this point, despite the smaller mask that reveals his hair and more of his face. At the risk of spoiling something form a 12-year-old story, I'll note that once Superman does return and comes into conflict with the League, Batman leaves their ranks to ally himself with Superman, and he does so wearing a costume more closely resembling his original one, with the Bat-cowl, scalloped-gloves and a Bat-symbol without a yellow arrow attached.
Here's what Superman dons when he rejoins the new League:

Finally, here's Wonder Woman's costume:

I actually like this one a whole lot, as it contains the most basic Wonder Woman signifiers while remaining completely different from he regular costume.
It occurred to me while looking at this that it would actually make a really great costume for Donna Troy to wear in the DCU. The costume she's been wearing for the last decade or so, which shares the same black and white color scheme and certain elements (bracelets, white boots) suffers from its plunging neckline and lack of sleeves, which some artists use to as an excuse to plunge her neckline so deep it becomes a bellyline. Troy's costume also suffers from the star-spangle effect; its supposed to resemble the night sky, but because of computer coloring, it generally just looks like a cheap special effect that projected onto a black jumpsuit.
Later in the book, either due to coloring, or simply Williams drawing it differently in close-up than he did in medium or longshots, it appeared as if Wonder Woman wasn't wearing a single body-stocking type of garment, but actually had a pair of tights on under it, of a slightly different shade of black.

I like Batmans look the best, `cause it resembles a lot like Zorros look, from who Batman has taken some influences.
I really liked this Elseworld, and the costumes in it were all pretty original. Different, sure, even quite a departure on the originals in some cases, but still remaining pretty close and keeping all the original touches here and there.
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