this be a candidate for collection, perhaps in a a couple volumes of those
DC Comics Presents 100-pagers, if not a fancy-schmancy trade collection? It's only 18 issues long. I never read it, but it's my understanding that it is fondly remembered by lots of smart people with decent taste in comic books. And pretty much everything
Green Lantern of even modest quality seems like it's being collected nowadays, right?
I'd probably get a trade if they made one. I'd
definitely get
DC Comics Presents: Green Lantern: Mosaic, even if it
did have too many colons for comfort in the title.
Yes, yes, yes. But it's an experimental and difficult book, with race politics that might show their age and with a John Stewart who is very little like the current JLU-and-sniper personality. Seems unlikely.
Definitely. I purged a lot of my stuff a while back in favor of trades, but that's one of the handful of series I kept. Very good stuff.
That book had a great Christmas issue!
This is the PERFECT book to be collected! I have all of Mosaic, and it was...simply fabulous. Gerard Jones did a wonderful job of showing what makes John Stewart tick, even if he was a bit less than sympathetic towards Hal.
Good stuff.
Count me in as a fan of the series. I was sorry to see it end.
John straight up owned Hal in this series, up to and including making time with one of his ladyfriends and out-ringing him in a contest of wills. Mosaic struck me as the book Jones wanted to write, while Green Lantern was the book he had to write to get that opportunity. It's a smart but weird and inconsistent series, with schizophrenic art. I wish I still had my set, but I got talked into selling it to a bigger fan.
Yes, but does it have Stewart running around in fuchsia fatigues and an 80's aerobics headband?
No. And that's exactly our point.
I know I had the last issue; no spoilers, but it leaves John in a weird place that'd never be brought up again. Like most of the rest of the book. I think the only thing from Mosiac that stuck was C'hp's death, and the next time John appears he's a Darkstar.
Not that Mosiac was a bad book, but it didn't seem to fit with DC's plans for Green Lantern. At all.
VERY big fan of this series. The way Gerard Jones played w/ ideas was just great. A little heady ... maybe pretentious if you're inclined to be jaded/judgmental. It's a run I can't stop telling people about even today.
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