I'm afraid I don't recognize all the mighty Marvel characters on the front of this t-shirt I received for Christmas this year, and I just know the characters I don't recognize are going to be the ones people are always asking about.
So I turn to you, Internet.
Who are the green dude in the upper left corner, white dude with a green mask/helmet thingee on the far right of the second row down, the guy next to Blackbolt in the third row down who isn't The Thing, and the handsome fellow between The Human Torch and Wolverine in the bottom row?
I'm guessing the first three are Inhumans, but I haven't even got that much of a guess for the dude in the bottom row...Nick Fury with a glass eye? Reed Richards before he went gray? Doctor Doom before he went face-less?
The first three are Trident, Karnak and then Gorgon.
Yes, they are all Inhumans. Can't see enough of the guy at the bottom to make out who it is.
yes indeed, three Inhumans! There's Triton, who's amphibious, Karnak, who's a super martial-artist, and Gorgon, whose stamping hooves can cause seismic shock waves! Extra bit of Inhumans trivia? One of those three characters did NOT gain his powers via the Inhumans' gene-transforming Terrigan Mists! Yes it's true: one of the Inhuman 'royal family' isn't, in fact, Inhuman at all!
OK, I just geeked out MYSELF. I'll go sit quietly for a while ...
Oh, and that guy on the bottom row? It's me.
Can't tell for sure because it's only half a face, but I'd bet that the bottom row fella is Sgt. Fury of and His Howling Commandoes fame, not to be confused with Nick Fury, the eyepatched agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Failing that, maybe it's Wyatt Wingfoot...they tried to make him a star in the late 60s, which seems to be the vintage of these headshots.
Check that- Kirby Falcon and Wolverine suggest mid-late 70s.
That guy in the bottom row is indeed Wyatt Wingfoot. I think I saw this shirt in Target and I was able to stun my brother by identifying all the characters on the shirt.
Everyone knows Karnak never got misted!
I got a shirt with Batman, Hal Jordan, Wally West, and Superman running together on it for christmas, and the first thing I noticed when I looked at it was that due to the costumes there was no point in the DC timeline when the snapshot could of happened. I didn't tell mom though, she was so proud of herself for getting me stuff from the right company (I prefer DC when it comes to apparell.)
Everyone else covered it, but yep Triton, Karnak, and Gorgon for the first three. I think the the guy on the bottom is Nick Fury, but I can see how it could be Wyatt Wingfoot too. My money's on Fury though.
For Christmas I got a t-shirt of the classic JLA (through Firestorm), although of course it excluded Hawkgirl. She was a member people!
I have this shirt. I never knew that was supposed to be Wyatt Wingfoot. They usually colored him red back then. The Indian thing, you know.
Wyatt Wingfoot, I'm convinced of that; I've seen a lot of merchandise from the 70s featuring all sorts of Fantastic Four supporting cast, mostly the Inhumans and old Wingfoot.
I'm not sure just how popular these characters were, but somebody at Marvel sure liked 'em.
A couple years back, I worked with a guy who had this shirt. I shocked him by naming all of the characters (except that guy in the bottom row, who I have never determined). He didn't know who many were. I also stunned him by telling him that was Kirby art.
I am pretty sure that the guy on the bottom is not Nick Fury, nor Wyatt Wingfoot. Fury would have had the eyepatch and Wyatt would definitely be colored red. But, I have no clue who else it could be.
It's Wyatt Wingfoot.
Deadpool. Gotta be. Dude's everywhere.
Okay, I saw this shirt at Target, but it was in the kids' section, not the adults' section. Did you find a men's size? I'm totally jealous. My jaw dropped when I saw this shirt.
Yeah, Wyatt was my first thought, even with the skin tone. Tee shirts often get skin tone incorrect.
I miss Wyatt Wingfoot!
It's really Wyatt Wingfoot, 60's Fantastic Four partner and 80's She-Hulk's boyfriend.
I own this shirt as well (my wife gave it to me as birthday present a year or two ago). I've always said the guy on the bottom is Wyatt Wingfoot.
It's Wyatt Wingfoot at the bottom. Most of these images are from FF #54 (which I learned from Kurt Busiek when someone else posted the T-shirt)
Pretentious Fool - Nick Fury was around for awhile with two good eyes! Before the eyepatch his signature was a ripped shirt and a cigar.
I bet that Wyatt Wingfoot's real father was amnesiac hobo Sub-Mariner.
It's sad he didn't get his dad's powers... except for the power of love!
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