J. Caleb Mozzocco is a freelance writer who lives and works in Ohio.
Creators and publishers who would like their books considered for review here (and/or anywhere else he contributes) may feel free to contact him at jcalebmozzocco@gmail.com.
Editors at respectable publications who would like Caleb to write for them are also welcome to contact him and offer him work. He loves money.
I'm pretty sure it's awesome, and perfectly suits the title, and if they didn't use it what a waste that would be.
I'm gonna go with "so terrible and inevitable that it's very funny."
I think I would call it "slightly cringe-inducing, but not bad enough to offend me."
I love the powergirl series. As far as I'm concerned the creative team can do no wrong.
I'm to distracted by the boobies
Comic book puns. they're like half the reason I like reading them so much.
Are the rocks on that cover supposed to look like they're attached to some kind of fleshy tethers?
Amanda Conner is allowed to draw boobies, because she does expressionate faces. She can do action, character, AND boobies. Therefore boobies are fine.
Wow, did Terra have some work done? Her chest is Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader sized now.
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