This isn't really a new update either.
I'm not dead or in jail or struck with amnesia or anything. I've just been ridiculously busy the last few days with my day job*, my writing-about-comics-for-money gigs and some unforeseen personal obligations. And with this Christmas business just a few days away, I may continue to be busier than I'd like for the rest of the week.
I have a handful of half-written posts, including the monthly looks at DC and Marvel's previews (which were released Monday and Tuesday, respectively), but haven't been able to block off enough free time to finish them up. There's a good chance I'll get one to four posts up tomorrow or, if not, then definitely Thursday. Things should return to normal by next week and, in the mean time, remember if you're ever starved for Caleb-generated content, there's always Blog@Newsarama.
Or you could buy a copy of my comic book and keep it in a drawer until you check out EDILW one day and see that I was too busy and/or lazy to update it that day, and read the comic instead. Issues of My Pet Halfling also make wonderful Christmas gifts.**
*Did I mention that I recently joined the sheepdog's union, and have been working 40-hours-a-week fighting anthropomorphic wolves? That's me on the left in the picture above, wearing my uniform.
**That is not true at all. They make terrible Christmas gifts. Worse than coal, actually, as coal generates more heat and burns longer once lit.
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