Of course, your sarcastic remark might carry more weight if you were doing something more productive than just standing around juggling bricks...
(Panel from 1958's Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #5, collected in Showcapse Presents: Superman Family Vol. 2, which is where this was scanned from; drawn by Kurt Schaffenberg)
J. Caleb Mozzocco is a freelance writer who lives and works in Ohio.
Creators and publishers who would like their books considered for review here (and/or anywhere else he contributes) may feel free to contact him at jcalebmozzocco@gmail.com.
Editors at respectable publications who would like Caleb to write for them are also welcome to contact him and offer him work. He loves money.
I couldn't help myself. I let out the loudest crack of laughter, and scared the heck out of my dog.
I honestly can't blame Superman for being just a tad snarky.
Batman would have a radiance chart.
"would have"? Batman HAS a radiance chart, memorized.
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