This installment of Funky Winkerbean appeared the same day in the same paper's funny pages:

"Whore" is an even stronger word than "pimp," isn't it? And newspaper comic strip readers even more prone to blushing, fainting and hand-wringing than political-types, right?
Once I got past the use of the word whore though, the whole thing just sort of confused me. If you're not following the ins-and-outs of Les Moore's life as seen in Funky, he is apparently promoting a book he wrote about his late wife's death. For some reason, this PR or agent lady says he needs to do interviews in order to secure blurbs for his book, but blurb's don't come from interviews, they come from reviews. Reviews, or the publisher simply asking someone famous to provide them with a blurb to put on the back cover.
Maybe it works differently in the Funki-verse, but an author interview is actually a really hard place to get a blurb out of, since interviews are more often than not neutral on the quality of the work.
Anyway, look—there's the word "whore" in the funnies!
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